Leave me or set me on fire.

It didn't last, like everything else. Maybe, life makes you less forgiving or maybe you make the choice to be. But every once in a while, everyone (no matter how big their Messiah complex is) get tired of being used and trampled on. They say it gets easier and there isn't a bigger lie than that. It gets tougher everyday, all the efforts made are flushed down the toilet, and even worse is all the love that gets taken for granted. Maybe life really turns how we expect it to be. So you're the one to blame for miserable you're, funny isn't it?
The numbness has left me too, the hurt and pain are back but they are feeble this time around, yet it isn't better, it didn't get better like everyone said. I guess, it is just another unkept promise. You'd think I'd get used to those by now, hah.


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