What Happened in Peshawar, shouldn't just stay there!

I tried to cry, tears din't come. I tried screaming, couldn't make a sound. I tried to look away, the images were stuck in my head. A sudden dysponea took over me, when I saw a mother who couldn't breathe looking at her son, 5 year old son, still, so still he would never move. There were other mothers stuck in disbelief, fathers mourning, siblings trying to stay strong for the family or what was left of it. 123 children died today, were killed brutally in their school, leaving behind this hollowness, which may never be filled, ever.
But it isn't the first time this has happened neither the last, the magnitude may be higher today but we have gotten used to it. The frequency has made numb if not apathetic We get over things too fast. We forget too soon. We forgive too easily. Tomorrow we will go off to work as if nothing happened, a day after that or maybe two we will start laughing again. It will only take a week for us to forget it all. But for some, they'll be reminded everyday, every morning, every afternoon, every night. We only remember when somethings hits close to home. This apathy that prevails is scarier than any terrorist organization or any militant group. Our ability to cope, to move on is terrifying. What we have become is ridiculous, where we are headed is beyond hell.


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