13 Things 2013 Taught Me
1. Submission, and to accept things that you can't change or comprehend at the time. 2. No matter how many guy friends you have, you'll need a few gal pals because there are certain comprehensible emotions that can't be expressed but only understood. A SHOUT OUT to Ayesha, Ghania, Saba and everyone else! 3. You don't loose family, you can't! 4. Floccinauccinihilipilification is the most difficult word to pronounce -_- 5. There is a thin line between desperation and determination. It's okay to let go of what you can't fix. 6. What you deserve is way more important than how you feel. 7. The only person you will ever be able to change is yourself and it is okay to not like who you have become because it is fixable. Always being yourself doesn't mean you can not improve yourself. 8. We become what we hate, a self-check once in a while is great. 9. NUST is the Bahria Town of Universities ;-) 10. Sometimes you can not forgive, no matter how badl...