
Showing posts from 2012

Whatever Scares You The Most

Your dreams define who you are, they often say it in the cheesy movies, in good novels, on random sadist Facebook pages. What about blue and incorrigible people who don't believe in dreaming anymore, for whom life is just the name of getting through the day, putting one step in front of another. Like being glum isn't enough they are indefinable as well. Call me an elegiac but I believe what actually define us, are our fears. The things we are scared of most, are the things we don't want to be or more like things we already are but we aren't ready to acknowledge legitimacy of this reality. Things we say we hate are the things that we are afraid of seeing, doing, or becoming. We all might not have dreams but we all have fears. Be it darkness, crowds, heights or hurtful people we all have something that takes our breath away, in a bad away of course. Fear leads to destiny, it might not tell us what we want but sure as hell declares what we don't want. And knowing t


Enough Said.

Just Because

Sometimes as the sunlight drops on the little specks of dust, they start to shine like tiny gold fragments. But just because something appears a certain way doesn’t mean it is just that. Just because someone is a crackjob around you doesn’t mean they don’t wet their pillows every night. Just because someone is a blabber mouth doesn’t mean they can’t keep secret. Just because one doesn’t answer your insult doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say. This world is such a devious place, where one can’t simply judge a book by its cover and that is exactly what makes it all so difficult to survive here, where most people like to believe in the first spectacle of everything and everyone. But just because one is not what they look like doesn’t make them a hypocrite, fraud, or bifacial. Yet every day, everyone is judged for what they do and don’t, regardless of the back stories. But just because of the fear of being judged, one doesn’t stop being themselves because we, who are judged are ju

I am going to be 18

In a matter of few days, I am going to turn 18, I'll be able to vote, I'll be an adult. I am not sure if I am ready, ready to grow up, ready to be an adult. It's not the normal "I always want to 16" feeling, growing old doesn't bother me, but growing up sure does. Yes, there is a difference I am not going to pour out that growing old is  a natural factor and growing up is a mere feeling crap here because it is a little more to me than just that. In the world I live becoming an adult doesn't account for anything and for everything at the same time. No, I won't be allowed to take all the decisions of my life, I still will have to ask my parents to go hang out with my friends or even for an extra class, I still won't be allowed to work, yet I'll be thrashed down everyday and night with "Take some responsibility, you are no more a kid".  Another factor that upsets me is, what is that I have accomplished? Where is my list of great big